I haven't done anything too spectacular this week...just a bunch of little things that have been fun and relaxing. On Saturday, I helped host a baby shower for my friend Amanda. My friend Amy and I had a great time putting it all together, and everything turned out fabulous! I can't wait until Amanda's baby Cole is born! Anyway, that afternoon Sean came back from his business trip in NYC with a little blue box from Tiffany (woohoo! This boy definitely knows one way to my heart!)...I opened it up to find a cute little porcelain keepsake box with New York landmarks on it...it's like the ultimate New York souvenir--love it!
On Sunday I went to church with Natalie, and Sean had to go to the Reserves. He came back home that night and suddenly got nauseous. He could not stop throwing up that night and couldn't keep any fluids or anything down, so we decided to go to the hospital at about 3am to get him hooked up to some fluids and anti-nausea medication...poor thing was miserable! Thankfully it worked and we went home around 6:30 to get some rest. He was feeling much better the rest of the day - just a little weak. That same thing happened a few years ago when we lived in San Diego and nothing worked until we went to the hospital, so that's how we knew to do the same thing again. We still don't know whether it was food poisoning from something he ate at lunch that day or a stomach bug. Either way, I'm glad it went away fast and he had all day Monday to rest up before going back to work.
On Tuesday I met Sean, Natalie, and my father-in-law downtown for lunch. We had a great time eating and visiting, and afterwards I made Sean play one of those old games at the front of the restaurant that tells you what you were meant to be - it told him he was supposed to be a doctor...guess he has a long way to go, ha!
Yesterday I met up with my friend Hayley for happy hour...we had a great time chatting it up and drinking margaritas, which was fitting for St. Patty's Day since they are green! I just love Hayley--we always have so much fun. She is so down-to-earth and easy to talk to.
I wish I had pictures to share of all these little adventures -- one of these days I will get better about taking pictures, promise!
Actually I do have 2 pictures taken from my iphone at the rodeo a couple weeks ago...one with Hayley:
And one with Sean:
That counts for something! :)
Today my Mom is coming to visit for the next couple days...we are going to relax, shop, etc....I'm so excited! I love hanging out with my little Momsie--in addition to being my MOM (that word says it all - that bond can never be broken!) who I love so very much, she really is one of my best girlfriends! She knows me better than almost anyone, and I can just talk and laugh with her for hours! Anyway, I will end this aimless little spring break blog post with a quote I heard on Grey's Anatomy a few days ago that I just love and think is so true:
"It's the accidents that always turn out to be the most interesting parts of our day, of life -- the people we never expected to show up, the turn of events we never would've chosen for ourselves. All of a sudden you find yourself somewhere you never expected to be, and it's nice. OR, it takes some getting used to...but still, you know you'll find yourself appreciating it somewhere down the line. So, you go to sleep each night thinking about tomorrow - going over your plans, preparing your lists, and hoping whatever accidents come your way will be happy ones." :)